6 Urgent Items That Can Keep Your Business Ahead

Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve! Achieve! Andrew CarnegieOver the next several months, those of us in business are going to hear a lot of bad economic news and dire predictions for...

Is Cheap Labor Worth It?

Nokia saved a bunch of money but lost their customers.Nokia announced a plant closure in Germany this week. The company will move manufacturing from the Ruhr District of Germany to the cheaper labor pool of Romania. The move will cost Germany about 2,300 jobs....

When It’s Time to Listen

What’s not to like?”We found that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found them quite frightening and unknowable,” said Penny Curtis, senior researcher at the University of Sheffield which questioned 250 children aged between four and...

Most Foolish Thing I’ve Ever Seen

I’d rather eat it.   Corn futures hit a 12 year high today on speculation that more of the precious commodity would be needed to make alternative fuels. (AP)   Is it not insanity to use a nation’s food supply to keep cars...

Money Can’t Buy It

There’s good news and bad news.   First, the bad news. We are headed for a recession. I posted a warning about this months ago. Actually, we’re in it. Review the Christmas sales that left retailers in a panic. I believe this recession will be deeper...