A Story About a Business That Failed

An American parable.   HotShot Inc. is closed. Too bad. In their glory days HotShot had $200 million in sales, great margins and terrific prospects for the future. The only evidence remaining of the company’s existence are a few lawsuits yet to be...

Why Don’t Managers Understand Customer Service?

You don’t want him running your customer service department.  You don’t want him running your customer service department.  Customer service ought to be a revenue source and not a cost. If your customer service department is cost item, something...

Some Data Is Too Expensive to Gather

Data costs a lot of money to produce and much of it has no value.   Many businesses are wasting money on data collection and report generation that could be better spent elsewhere . Often the first step toward resolving a problem is to take measurements. While...

They Won’t Listen To You

Your advertising budget can’t overcome negative comments posted by your customers in a free discussion group.   It matters less what you want to say  than what people online are saying about your business. You can scream all you want about...