Explain Yourself Sir!

Explaining things seems like a fairly straightforward process until you try to make a great idea clear to a client. You meet objections and delays. Don’t they see the benefits? Maybe not. We often explain things in ways we understand but may be completely...

Make It POP!

I want to recommend a GREAT book. If you maintain your own website, write a Blog, produce presentations—any situation where you need to be persuasive, this book will help.It’s not glassy or full of pretty pictures and that disappointed me at first. But the...

Having Fun at Work Is Important!

I have not written enough about this subject. That shows how easily priorities get shifted when things get busy.Yes, making sure people are having fun at work should be a priority.Why?Start with the obvious. Time flies when you’re having fun. This is certainly...


What is going on?I think the myth we are supposed to believe goes like this: When times get tough, we all pull together.I’m sure not seeing that. Yesterday I had a conversation with an executive about an employee taking a supposed false disability leave. The...