Chris Reich, Business Partnership Mediation That Works!

If you have problems with your business partner, I can help you get things back on track. My unique, casual approach has helped hundreds of business partnerships. You can get out from under the stress and get back to making money.

Click to Call Now: 530.467.5690

Business Mediation

If your partnership is showing strain or breaking down completely, you can get help now. I have repaired many business partnerships using my low-stress method of bringing definition and processes to the business. Definition? We’ll define the problems in business, not personal terms. Processes? We’ll reach agreement on processes that determine who does what and how big decisions are made. We can fix most partnerships using remote video conferencing. It works and it’s very low cost. Contact me for a free consultation. All work is 100% confidential.

“You don’t have to put up with the stress that comes with partnership problems. We can fix the partnership. If it’s beyond repair we can work out a fair separation from the partnership.”

Chris Reich

Repair Your Partnership

We can get to the bottom of your partnership issues and adopt solutions that take away the tension permanently. Having a moderator keeps the discussions calm and civil.

Negotiate a Buyout

Sometimes it’s better to leave a problem-ridden partnership. Only you know when it’s time to get out. If you’ve reached that point, let me help you avoid the serious liabilities that can come up years later. Or, it might be time to ease out a non-performing partner. Sometimes separating is the best solution for everybody.

Develop a Partnership Agreement

I rarely see good partnership agreements. Most people start businesses with friends or family members and never prepare the most important document in a partnership. Let me help you define the terms that should be in your Partnership Agreement.

Chris Reich, Business Mediation

You don’t have to live with the stress. Most business partnership problems can be fixed with a few video conferences. If the problems are serious and the partners agree, I will come to you and work in person. Please contact me now to arrange a free, confidential conversation about your partnership. I guarantee you will fee better after we talk.

Time Zone

I’d Love to Help YOU.

Read Chris’s
Business Partnership Blog

5 Red Flags That Say Your Business Partnership is in Trouble
5 Red Flags That Say Your Business Partnership is in Trouble

Business partnerships can be a fantastic way to pool resources and knowledge in order to create a successful enterprise. However, even the most well-intentioned partnerships can break down if certain warning signs are ignored. In this post, I will point out the 5 red flags that should never be ignored when you see them in your business partnership and provide you with guidance on how to deal with them.

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