Welcome to Better
With the 3Es System Developed by Chris Reich, You'll See Progress FASTOwning or running a business should be a pleasure. You should get satisfaction and a living from your business. If you are missing either of those pieces, something needs to change. Right? You will be surprised how much better things can be. Just contact me and begin a conversation. Soon you’ll be enjoying your work like you used to.
Meet the 3Es System
I developed the 3Es system to help business people do better. After seeing lots of money wasted on failed improvement initiates, I wanted a tool that was simple enough that anyone could learn to use it. And I wanted it to work. Search for “Lean” or “6 Sigma” and read the horror stories. The failure rate of Lean initiatives is around 80%. 80%!
I have seen hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted on improvement programs that only improved the financial condition of the black belt who chopped their way into the budget.
80/20 Rule
If you know anything about business, you know about the 80/20 rule. Essentially it says that 80% of your business comes from 20% of your SKUs. Or 80% of your problems are due to 20% of the things in need of fixing. You would be amazed at how frequently this rule comes into play.
I want a business to focus on what I call the “Big Rocks”. Want to make gravel? Smash the big rocks first.
We start by identifying the big rocks. What needs to be fixed that will give the greatest return? Once we get that identified, we develop a plan to correct the problem. We set milestones. And as we reach those milestones we “make progress visible”. We want everyone to see the results. As we approach 80% completion of the first mini-initiative, we plan and launch the next one.
That’s a great simplification. I assure you, it works.
The 3 Es
Education Ethics Excellence
We use the 3Es to guide our steps. First, we teach how to do better. We govern each step with ethics. And every initiative must have the goal of achieving excellence.

Contact Chris
1+ (530) 467-5690
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Pacific Time Zone
Yes, I work nights and weekends by arrangement. Call any time. I will always get right back to you.
Clients who have worked with lawyers, counselors, consultants, and coaches often tell me that my business mediation service is the best and least expensive way to fix a partnership.
— Chris Reich, Business Mediator