Your 50/50 Business Partnership Issues Can Be Fixed. Peacefully.

Every day I work with people who have business partnership problems. My goal is simple. Find ways to make things work peacefully. If you get some things worked out before the tension gets too high, many problems are avoided later. Most business partnerships are equal at 50-50 or 33-33-33 so that’s not a problem. The trick is to find agreeable solutions before the tension gets too high. I help people like you every day by finding ways to work out their differences or lead them through a peaceful buyout process. The important thing for you is to act while it is still possible to talk. Avoid the fight and get what you want without fighting.
Let’s talk privately about fixing your business partnership issues for good.
I will contact you by email to arrange a time to talk. There are no charges for your initial consultation. You can take as much time as you need. Explain your concerns and ask all the questions you wish. No pressure. All work is confidential. My rates are fair and less than a lawyer’s. Repairing partnerships is what I do. Why not talk to someone who understands?
** You won’t be put on a list. You won’t be hounded. You control the process. No one will see this but me. I protect your privacy and your business.

12 + 1 =

Rather call to arrange a free consultation?

You are welcome to call: (530) 467-5690

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