Business Tips by Chris Reich

Tips from growing a business to dealing with disputes

GM in the 70’s

I am taking a very interesting class from Michael Roberto. This came up recently and I thought it worth posting here. The take-away is to look closely at our thinking today to be as certain as possible that it is valid for, at least, tomorrow morning. Chris Reich"USC...

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How To Make a Business Decision

You must make a business decision?Start by deciding HOW the decision will be made rather than WHAT decision you should make.Define the decision making process first, then go to work on the decision. This will save you many, many missteps in business.Chris Reich,...

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Tire Shops and Medical Offices

I had to deal with a tire blowout recently. It was an expensive tire but it was made in China. Don't buy tires made in China.Okay, moving on. My tire failed on the freeway, in the dark, between towns and after all nearby (within 20 miles) tire shops had closed.I also...

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Things Could Be Better But…

There are two kinds of problems. There are problems people want to fix and problems people want to complain about. Understanding this will save a lot of time in your life and at work.I learned a long time ago that sometimes people want to own and whine about a...

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Radicals Win in the End

Would you consider a radical idea for a minute? The easiest road to increased productivity is to foster fun at work. Not games. Not free food. Allow the work itself to be fun. Few managers are self-confident enough to allow fun at work--- but fun is great productivity...

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SOPA, PIPA and Your Brain

This issue seems blown out of proportion. I see numerous sites and friends citing Google or Wikipedia as their guide to the decision to oppose this legislation. Hey, if dear Google is against it, I should be too, right? In my younger days, when a big corporation...

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Are You Executive Material?

So, you think you are executive material? Let's see.The best CEOs and managers I know never interrupt meetings with phone calls. I know of no good manager who will bring a cell phone into a meeting.Do you constantly interrupt the person you're talking with by...

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Clean House

If it's in your inventory and hasn't sold for a year, mark it down to whatever it will take to get rid of it by the end of January. Your other choice is to give it to a good client who might be able to use your unsold, dead inventory. ANYTHING is better than goods on...

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Habit to Form NOW

Important habit for 2012 and beyond: BE ON TIME. I don't care who you are or how important you think you are, BE ON TIME for calls, conferences, meetings, etc. Deliver on promises on time. Turn in proposals or reports or email answers when promised. Being on time is a...

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Inventory Tip

If your business sells a tangible product, here's a strategy to improve your inventory position.This is especially important if your business sells Christmas items. In fact, it's absolutely critical if your business is affected by Christmas.Look at the items you...

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Never Forget This

I haven't posted for a while for a number of reasons. The main reason is that I don't write unless I have something to say.This quote has been rolling around in my head and I think it's a good time to remember it...I have seen something else under the sun: The race is...

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