Business Tips by Chris Reich

Tips from growing a business to dealing with disputes

Right or Left?

In the book, A Whole New Mind, Daniel H. pink posits that right-brained people will soon rule the world. Read his book to find out why he makes the claim.Now, look at the dancer. Is she spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise? If you are right brained you'll see her...

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Coming Soon!

Sometime within the next two weeks this Blog is going to be converted to a comic strip: Thinking INSDE the Box.Watch for it. It'll be worth your time.Chris Reich, Author of TeachU's Blusiness Talk Blog and Thinking INSIDE the Box Business

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Northwestern Australia is under water. Severe flooding. 1,000's stranded. Crocks and snakes. Southern Australia is on fire. So far, nearly 200 dead. Thousands of homes destroyed.They took the brunt in World War II (held Tobruk). They were with us in Korea. They were...

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Buy a Ford

In spite of record losses, Ford Motor has decided to forgo bailout money---at least for now. Support them. If you plan to buy a car or truck soon, start at a Ford dealership. The fastest route out of this economic mess we're in is to buy American.Chris Reich, Author...

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Lost in a Bad Economy?

Is your business suffering? Think about this.If you are lost in the woods, is it better to look for help or to make yourself easier to be found?Think about how you are spending your energy and resources.Chris Reich, Author of TeachU's Business Talk

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Look in the Garbage

I was seeking advice for a client from a restaurant "turn around" expert the other day and he gave me a great tip. I've been able to help a few restaurants add to their profitability so this is not unfamiliar territory for me. But Mike opened my eyes to a new way to...

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Before you waste money advertising, do this. Show your product to at least 20 people you would consider potential buyers. Offer these 20 people a 25% discount. If none buy, do not waste a cent on advertising. If fewer than 30% accept your "deal", your product, price,...

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Words of Wisdom

Please consider these words. They can save your life, you business, your ?????Absence of proof is NOT proof of absence.  (Scientific Axiom)Chris Reich, Author of TeachU's Business Talk

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Why I Do NOT Listen to Experts

I do not listen listen to business experts. I completely dismiss economists, especially if they have won the Nobel Prize. I never listen to government experts. I do not "learn" from once successful CEOs who write books about the fabulous work they did---back then. I...

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One Important Business Tip

It's all about relationships. Let's set aside the recession for a moment and look at what we can control.If your business has room for improvement, start with how your people interact. The goal is to develop total cooperation and support at every level of your...

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Jail Time, Lots of Jail Time

CHICAGO – Federal authorities arrested Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich Tuesday on charges that he brazenly conspired to sell or trade the Senate seat left vacant by President-elect Barack Obama to the highest bidder.Blagojevich also was charged with illegally...

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2 Reasons We’re in a Recession

There are two reasons we are in a recession. Yes, I know, it's a global problem, complex, credit collapse, housing issues, blah blah blah. Smoke screen. There are two reasons.Reason one. Our country has been in serious ethical decline since Nixon. Johnson had his...

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Are You Still Doing Things the Old Way?

Your business can turn around.We're near the end of 2008. The country and the world are in serious recession. Sales are falling. Foreclosures continue to rise. Thousands of people are losing work. Businesses are failing. Stimulus failed. Bailout failed. The country is...

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Ford, GM, Chrysler

Automakers:I understand it's a very tough time to be in the car business. First it was high gas prices. You were building cars people wanted and conditions changed. You got caught by an unexpected, radical and rapid market shift. Understood.Then you got slammed with a...

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How to Blow a Great Opportunity

The campaign started when Dr Pepper, which is part of Plano, Texas-based Dr Pepper Snapple Group, said it would give every American a free 20 oz. Dr Pepper if the rock band Guns N’Roses released its anticipated ”Chinese Democracy“ album by the end of...

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Does the Captain Really Matter?

If your business is in trouble and you can only blame the economy, may I assert the captain of the ship matters most?Let's consider the Titanic.A different captain may have refused to sail without adequate life boats.A different captain might have heeded the warnings...

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The Pilot and Co-Pilot Ate the Fish!

Remember the real Airport movie? The food was contaminated on the airliner and people became so sick they became unconscious and some died. Two different meals were served---fish and chicken as I recall. All those who ate the fish passed out. Naturally, the pilot and...

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