Business Tips by Chris Reich

Tips from growing a business to dealing with disputes

Are You Grading Your Work?

  In spite of institutional education's desire to move away from grading, it works. Grading works with people who are motivated to achieve. Calling it only a letter grade is like calling marriage only a piece of paper. People who do things right know...

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Do Ethics Matter?

 Did you catch the story about the "Wet Seal" chain of clothing stores? They are folding up. That's not the story. When employees asked their managers why new inventory wasn't coming in, they were told the stores were going to be remodeled. Management knew the...

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Two Problems In Negotiation

  When teaching presentation I always include a unit on Game Theory. At first, students have a hard time seeing how important some of the concepts are to achieving the desired outcome in a negotiated transaction. Once we explore the concepts in depth, it's...

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Sony Has an Ethics Problem

Let’s begin with the idea about making a movie about killing a foreign head of state. We’re not talking about a bit joke involving exploding cigars and Castro. The Interview is an entire movie about killing the leader of North Korea. That’s funny. No, no it isn’t.

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The Secret of SEO

The Secret of SEO

A couple years ago, if you used your key words properly, your site would rank well. For example, if you sold hammers, and used the word “hammer” in your page title and multiple times throughout your page, you’d get a pretty good ranking. If you added a couple of pictures of hammers, you would have landed on the first page of search for the word hammer.

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Do This If You Want to Have Fun at Work

This is a continuation of my series on the importance of fun at work. Fun is important and improves morale and productivity. Go about it in the wrong way, however, and you'll have a mess on your hands. Last night I read an article about how to bring fun to the...

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Define Fun at Work!

I often talk about the importance of having fun at work and how important that is. People are interested in the topic (my posts on fun at work get thousands of reads) and it’s time I said more about it.

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Thank You for Pointing Out My Error

Don't you just it love when you spend hours and countless hours or a pile of money building your website only to have some know-it-all take the time to write an email pointing out a spelling error?!!!You should.In fact, that person should be given the velvet rope...

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