Business Tips by Chris Reich

Tips from growing a business to dealing with disputes

Learn Something New Today

Here's one of the most important tips you'll ever receive. Only a small fraction will do it. Maybe 1% of those who read this. Maybe fewer.Look at what you are good at or perhaps even just average. Now, immediately go to work on getting better at those things. Read,...

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Labor Is Not to Blame

NOTE: I wrote this in 2011. If anything, the situation is even worse today.   As we head into Labor Day, let me ask that we stop blaming the working people for all the woes of business.I'm sick of handing over our manufacturing base to China because our...

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Why We Should Not All Get Along

The question was asked by the poet years ago, "can't we all get along?"  Should we make that a goal in business? I am not sure it's always a good idea. Of course, we won't have affection for everyone we work with. There will be times when oil and water...bad...

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This Should Make You Squirm

What's that? Squirm? Yes indeed. If this doesn't make you very uneasy something is wrong. Innovation. That's right. When we hear a new idea we expect that 'ah ha' moment. We expect the new idea to 'resonate' or feel right. If it doesn't feel good, something must...

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I Guess This Is Going to Happen Unless…

Well, news is out that the U.S. did something it hasn't done for a while. What it did isn't good. What it did surprised even the most pessimistic predictions. What is it? The economy shrunk. That's right, shrunk. Read about it here. Here's my prediction....

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You Did What?

I'm studying the work of Phillip Tetlock these days. His work is mostly about political prediction but I came across a concept that is particularly interesting. He writes about leaders making a bad decision but justifying that decision with "we made the right...

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