Business Tips by Chris Reich

Tips from growing a business to dealing with disputes

Team Issues?

99% of the time team problems can be attributed to one of two root causes: Lack of leadership or a bad apple in the bunch.I've addressed bad apples in the past. Document the problem, inform the malcontent that they are harming the organization, have zero tolerance for...

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A Conundrum

I've wasted away much of this day with a very silly conundrum. But the question at hand is very interesting.It goes like this.A business or organization is not as productive as it should be. The talent complains that they are very hard working and dedicated and...

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What Will You Do Differently THIS Monday?

I'm posting this on Sunday. Hopefully some people will read it today. Most will read it Monday. Then, over the course of weeks, many will read this post.When you read it doesn't matter. Apply the words to any Monday.Monday. That's the day we're always extra busy....

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Are You Strong Enough to Be Different?

If you want to succeed and enjoy your work, you'll need to take chances, step out and be a little different.You can get by by just doing your work. You'll get your annual 3% raises if you do your work efficiently enough not to draw attention. And that's exactly where...

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Why Companies Eventually Fail: Google

Let me say upfront that I am a Google AdWords customer and I am generally very pleased with their service. I have used Google's pay per click advertising for a few years and spend a few thousand dollars per month with Google. I tried Yahoo's pay per click program, was...

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Ethics! Orange Jumpsuit Time for Blankfein

Here's a guy who deserves to be fitted with an orange jumpsuit. The corruption of Wall Street isn't part of the U.S. economic problems, it's the heart of the U.S. economic problems.The guy pictured below, Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs CEO, was at the helm of a...

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Why Does Inventory Turnover Matter?

Employees often complain about their company's tight inventory. Managers complain about tight inventory budgets. Buyers complain about not getting approval to buy sufficient quantity of a given item to get a 10% discount.So what's the benefit of a tight inventory?...

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What Can Be Done When Morale Goes Sour?

Businesses have cut and budgets are still tight. Yes, there are some green shoots beginning to appear so things will probably get better but not at a fast pace. The talent, those who make it all possible have borne the majority of the stress from this recession. They...

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Are YOU changing anything at your business or organization? No, not change for change's sake, but change that brings improvement. Are YOU working on changes?Why not?Is your business or organization changing the 'rules' within your industry or sphere?Why not?The most...

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Great Read with a Nice Cabernet

If you are considering a partnership or family business, I highly recommend this book.There are many lessons to be learned from this book and it's a great read.Not only will you learn the pitfalls of starting a family business, you'll also get insight into superb...

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Are YOU a Business?

Quick thought.Not all of us enjoy the luxury (and pressure) of self-employment.If you are working for someone else, in a real job, I'd like you to think about an idea. If your job was 'out sourced' to a very efficient and creative company, what would they do...

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Catching up with YOU

I haven't posted in a couple of weeks because I was away from my base on business for the government of New Mexico. (Thank you State of New Mexico! I enjoyed working with everyone.)Thank you for checking in and thank you for the notes! Yes, I'm well and alive, just...

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It’s Takes Time to Be Civil

I just read an interesting article in Science News. (March 27th, 2010 issue)Someone took the time run some statistics. They discovered that on the Titanic, women and children truly did board the life rafts first. There were exceptions, but generally, social order...

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Recovered Yet?

Business changed permanently because of this current recession. Permanently.Businesses that adapt, will go forward, recover and grow. Those that don't will struggle as they try without success to get things back to the way they were.What's changed...

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Whose Got the Passion?

If your company is a broad based business, like a retail store. You can't be 'passionate' about batteries unless that's all you sell. But you can, and should, be passionate about service. You and everyone at your business should be passionate about the appearance of...

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Am I Persnickety?

It's 2010, computers have been in the workplace for twenty years, business has spent millions of dollars on training and most people today have a computer at home.   That said, is it too much to ask that people know how to copy a file or create a folder?  ...

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Get Rid of HR

A lot of businesses like to chatter about the importance of their people. This is little more than lip service to the minions. First of all, the "HR" depart IS at the bottom of the corporate food chain no matter how many "C Level" meetings the HR [choose one: VP,...

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Business Card Story

Okay, I need new business cards. I need them now.So I go online to OverNightPrints and use their tools and my images and layout skills to design the perfect business card. It's original, never been done.After placing the order, I realize that I need cards for...

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