Why Read Finnegans Wake?

Why should anywhoyou Wakeread? Read to the fin? Read it again? To the fin again? Weigh? Finnegans Wake may be the most impenetrable book ever written. Joyce intentionally made the book obscure. Oh hell, it’s obscure, he even created his own language for the...

Stop With the Process Continuous Improvement!

Take a Lesson from Human DNAWe have been taught that we get our genes from our parents. Remember the line about every cell containing the all the DNA needed to create an entire you? Well, that is sort of true, mostly true. Scientists have learned that our genetic...

Start The Year With This

Getting rid of unneeded junk can serve you as much as getting something new. Use the rest of this week to clean up email accounts (archive important stuff), delete old files, remove programs you never use and clean up your physical office.  You’ll be amazed...