More Meetings Are Necessary

If your business or organization is experiencing the stress of too much too do and too few to do everything, it’s time for more meetings.It’s not time to hire a lot more people. The recovery is still fragile and you might not be seeing pre-collapse success...

Why Some People Subvert Success

Why do some people go out of their way to prevent success? This is a destructive pattern I see at many businesses and organizations. Fix something, improve something, build something and someone wants to take it apart. Why?There really is only one answer to this:...

Team Issues?

99% of the time team problems can be attributed to one of two root causes: Lack of leadership or a bad apple in the bunch.I’ve addressed bad apples in the past. Document the problem, inform the malcontent that they are harming the organization, have zero...

A Conundrum

I’ve wasted away much of this day with a very silly conundrum. But the question at hand is very interesting.It goes like this.A business or organization is not as productive as it should be. The talent complains that they are very hard working and dedicated and...

What Will You Do Differently THIS Monday?

I’m posting this on Sunday. Hopefully some people will read it today. Most will read it Monday. Then, over the course of weeks, many will read this post.When you read it doesn’t matter. Apply the words to any Monday.Monday. That’s the day we’re...