That’s a great idea.
I have an advertising program for you that I guarantee will work but you have to read this whole article. It made me a lot of money.
Advertising is expensive and doesn’t work. At least it doesn’t work very well. Okay, maybe if you’re FORD Motors and want to introduce a new model. Hey, aren’t the auto makers losing money now? Maybe they should stop advertising.
Here’s my point. People get messages thrown at them all day long. It’s so annoying that people are developing an ability to tune out the noise of advertising. Notice how the volume goes up during a TV commercial? The advertisers know consumers are trying to escape their message. Not only do people tune this junk out but they decide what to tune out in about 3 seconds—or less if they get a clue about what’s coming. Is there anything about Tide detergent that you really need to know?
So what does work?
Surprise. The element of surprise has always worked. Clever ads used to surprise people and pull them in. Now they expect clever ads. No surprise.
What don’t people expect? Come on kids, think.
Believe it or not, people don’t expect a great product from you nor do they expect great service. And with margins as low as they are today, they expect nothing extra.
Your customer only expects your product to work. They only expect an okay job if you provide a service. If they have a problem, they expect a hassle resolving it. If they get all the right parts and the item is delivered somewhat timely, they’re surprised.
These days customers are satisfied if they don’t get screwed.
Okay, what’s the magic answer to success? Work your ass off for your customer. Give them what they do not expect and they will spread the word about your company.
I guarantee this will work. I didn’t say it would be easy. Go ahead, write a check to some magazine or radio station—advertise! That’s easy but will cost you a lot more than it produces.
Surprise one customer—a sneezer—and watch the results come in.
If you work on surprising your customers you will be amazed by the return.
When businesses sell, they always tout the value of their “Goodwill”. It’s ALWAYS overstated. Why do businesses wait until selling a business before appraising their “Goodwill”? Do it now.
Chris Reich, Author of TeachU’s Business Talk Blog