Business Tips by Chris Reich
Tips from growing a business to dealing with disputesIt May Be Legal to Lock Your Partner Out of the Business
There are times when you legally can and should lock your partner out of the business. But, those are rare circumstances. Locking your partner out, even if your partner is showing bad behavior, open you to potential liability.
3 Signs That a Partnership Is Never Going to Work
I pay close attention to what is expressed during my private interviews before we start a mediation process. There are 3 signs a partnership will fail.
Tip for Talking with Your Business Partner
Anyone who starts a business has many hats to wear. Sales, manager, accountant? You will wear them all in a day. Be careful when you talk!
Business Partnership Problems with Someone You Were Dating
What happens with the business when people break up? Here’s the information you need to make big decisions and protect yourself.
Beat Stress and Depression By Doing This Simple Thing
Is the news, confinement, money problems, fear of the unknown making you depressed? Do this!
Your Business Partnership Can Survive if You Know the “Why”
If you can express why you would like to stay in business with your partner, I can help you figure out how to make it work. It’s that simple.
Coronavirus, the Economy, and Your Business Partnership
Before we found ourselves in this terrible mess, many businesses had partnership issues. If your partnership has problems, now is the time to deal with those things that cause tension.
When Business Partners Disagree
5 Steps to take when business partners disagree. These steps work and could save your business. Step 1: Ask Yourself if this is Worth a Disagreement?
FREE Webinar: How to Create a Partnership Agreement
We’ll talk (briefly!) about why you need a Partnership Agreement and then we will cover the most important pieces that should be in every Partnership Agreement.
8 Tips for Better Communication in Your Business Partnership
Use these 8 tips to talk with your business partner. Most partnership issues are rooted in communication problems. Most problems can be solved if partners…
Being Too Positive Can Sink Your PartnerSHIP
We must always balance being too negative or too positive and make certain we are being realistic. Furthermore, we need to be careful that we convey that reality to others.
Have Chris Reich of TeachU Help Create Your Perfect Partnership Agreement
I am a business partnership mediator. Every day partners come to me to help settle disputes or to reduce tension. I always recommend a Partnership Agreement.
How to Determine the Value of Your Business
There is much to consider when setting the value of a business. Talk with a 100 experts and you’ll get 100 different valuations. These methods should help.
Before You Need Mediation, Get Moderation
Before the tension is extreme, I serve as moderator rather than mediator. By having meetings with a neutral third party, your issues can be resolved.
The Most Important Step to Fix a Business Partnership
Business Partnership Advisor Together, we can fix your business and partnership problems Chris Reich, Business Luminary Email of the Week: Chris, my business partner and I seem to disagree about everything. We've been in business for 3 years and...
3 Things to Do If Your Business Partner Doesn’t Support You in Front of Employees
When business partners send conflicting signals to employees, it’s a sign that the partnership is breaking down. Follow these 3 steps.
I Put in Money and He Worked for Free
I get a lot of calls about the subject of dividing the percentages of ownership when the contributions are not perceived as being equal. Squabbles over equity also bleed into other issues such as control of the business and, in some cases, whether the partner who put in cash has a “right” to dismiss the partner who contributed work.
How to Fix Problems in a Family Business Partnership
I deal with family business problems all the time. Frankly, they are by far the hardest to resolve.