Practice What Thou Preachest

I’m a strong believer that the most effective marketing is interacting with customers and prospects. Most businesses talk about ‘service’ but they limit service to solving after sale problems. Few businesses consider interaction with prospects to be...

Positive Thinking is Killing Us

Positive thinking really is killing us. We spend billions every year on “hope” based medical treatments.. We throw money into stupid ‘investments’ and ‘hope for the best’. We hand money over to religious institutions because that...

Back in Time: A Marketing Lesson

Data, demonstrations and doughnuts won’t make the sale.Let’s say you could go back in time. You invent the pencil and paper and are sure you’ve got a hit on your hands. This will be huge!To get this thing off the ground, you invite 100 people to a...

What’s NEW?

Is there anything new at your business? The recession we are in now is serious game changer. [Note: I am  sorry to use a phrase like “game changer”]Just a year ago, the U.S. was the number one auto producer in the world. The U.S. is now number two....

Successful Lemonade Venture

Seth Godin posts a simple story of two lemonade stands today.The story is so perfect, I have nothing to add. Just think about the stories. It comes to caring, no, loving what you do. If you love what you do, you’ll approach every task differently. If you are in...


Ebay is gradually descending into becoming a flea market. I knew this would happen and posted about it a year ago. Too bad.It used to be place to find anything and operated by 99% honest sellers. Price pressure has pushed a lot of real good sellers out of...