Computer “Training” is boring. I agree.
Computer “training” would be great if you could just pick up a couple of tips that would save you some time or make your day a little easier. It would be great if this could be done quickly. Who has time to sit through an all-day class to hopefully pick up a couple of tips?
You are smart. You’ve figured out a way to get done what needs doing. You know there might be an easier way but you “don’t have time to play with it”.
If we could spend a few minutes together, I could probably show you the tip that would make things easier. Instead of a class, if you could just show me your “stuff” and ask a question or two it might be worth the time.
I always find little things that help people get things done (easier) when visiting companies to circulate and assist. Always.
There are two ways to do this. I can come to you. Happy to do it. I have a mountain of frequent flyer miles. I’ll use them to come to you. It’s worth it to me to meet you and hopefully gain a long term client.
Or, we can do an online meeting. I’ve got the tools to do that too. Or we could do both.
We need to stop doing things the way they’ve always been done. I’ll make you a deal. I won’t do computer training the same old way if you’ll agree to try some new ways of doing things.
Chris Reich, Author of TeachU’s Business Talk Blog