As I said in my prior post, we don’t read enough. People in business should read current business books. The business climate, the rules, are changing fast. Few people I meet are current.
Now wait. There’s a difference between current events and current business thinking. I’m referring to thinking. It really doesn’t matter if you know what the DOW closed at yesterday or what the FED says about long term growth. Really it doesn’t.
Do you know what works and what doesn’t for marketing your products? Do you know why forecasting is foolish? Do you know why and how 6-Sigma can kill your business? You should.
So, how do you get through a dull, dry, business book? First of all, business books today are seldom ‘dry’. They are often witty and entertaining. They have to be to compete for shelf space with the hundreds of new books released each year.
Select a book that interests you. If you need a recommendation, contact me. I’ve read hundreds of great books and several duds. I’ll point you in the right direction.
Next, read only until you hit an idea that makes you think. Then stop reading and think about how that ‘ahha’ applies to your business. Ponder it. Make some notes. Don’t pick the book up again until the next day. Repeat.
You’ll be amazed as the scales fall from your eyes.
Chris Reich, Author of TeachU’s Business Talk Blog