Here’s my prediction.
There is a worm eating away at the apple of the U.S. economy. We’re going to see more contraction. Yes, that’s worse than recession. I predict the U.S. economy will shrink further. Washington cannot continue to prop up the economy with stimulus packages, paper purchasing and warfare. Time is up.
We must face the facts now or it could be very bad. Stop supporting the growth of the Chinese economy. Stop buying this nonsense from Thomas Friedman about a flat world. It isn’t flat and we are headed for the valley below if we don’t start working together to rebuild our economy.
That means looking for creative ways to pay people MORE. Our economy is based on consumers. MAKE CONSUMERS.
“Every business needs to get in the business of manufacturing U.S. consumers.” Chris Reich, TeachU
How? Buy American whenever you can. Skip the cheap, big box junk yards like Walmart and shop at smaller stores. Mom and Pop may have given up but there are smaller alternatives to the monoliths that are smothering us. Even if you can’t find American made goods you can at least buy from a local or regional business rather than a national monopoly.
HP announced it was “letting go” of 16,000 employees. Don’t buy HP products. See? Simple. Spend money with companies that are HIRING.
Food? Buy organic. Buy locally produced whenever possible. Ask for local produce at the store where you buy your food. If they won’t get it, shop elsewhere.
Come on, we can still turn this economy around if we cut the greed and inject some ethics into our decisions.
Do you want your kids working for minimum wage for their entire lives? Do we want to support these crappy jobs with huge expenditures for medical care and food stamps? No. Support the companies that are making consumers.
Chris Reich, TeachU