Focus is important. Lose focus and you’re soon adrift in non-productive paper pushing.
I sometimes find myself getting out of focus. There are things I’d rather do than those things I should do. If I fail to discipline myself to stay on track I will gradually mire down in unimportant “tasks”.
To refocus it is necessary to look at that mission statement we made up a few weeks ago. Why am I working today? What’s my real purpose and goal? Shut the door, take a minute to think about that. Self-help books or personal “coaches” aren’t required to teach us how to prioritize—make a list of the things you don’t want to do today—that’s probably your priority list.
Remember the big picture—what’s the real purpose of your business or organization? What are you going to do today that contributes to that purpose?
Chris Reich, Author of TeachU’s Business Talk Blog