Today Seth Godin posts a NIKE theme of “Just Do It!”. He’s talking about hearing from people who want to try new ideas at workplace but are thwarted by management. Seth advises to proceed full speed ahead. He goes on to say that people are rarely willing to stop innovators.
While I like the idea of moving forward, I know from experience that people are NOT afraid to stop you unless you achieve immediate, crazy-great results before you are picked up by radar.
Seth runs in circles ga ga with innovation and new thought where he is considered a guru of idea. Most of us don’t have pre-assumed acceptance for every new idea we come up with. And because all change involves a certain amount of failure, most of us must get approval for our every step. Playing NIKE at work could get you tossed out of the game.
It’s not only management you’ll have to battle to get a new procedure or idea moving. Your ‘teammates’ will also pull at the fabric of your innovation. After all, if you stand out in the crowd, it makes the rest of the team look bad, right? It doesn’t, but that sort of sick thinking pervades the workplace.
If you have ideas for improvement, and I know you do, you’ll have to sell them. Start small with little things. Build an intelligent case for why you think the particular change is necessary. Back up your plan with figures and a demonstration if possible. Propose a trial period. Tell management to watch for those who “buy in” and those who do not. They know and you know that some people always have a complaint with change no matter how positive.
Make it clear that all change takes some time to bloom. Look, nine women can’t make a baby in a month. It doesn’t matter how much resource is thrown at a problem, it takes a little time to work.
Build your credibility.
Finally, if you are full of great ideas and can never sell them to your superiors, think about moving to a different job. If your ideas are really that good, you won’t have a problem selling them elsewhere. And if you are afraid to make the move? Maybe those ideas aren’t that great.
You want your business to bet on your ideas. Are you willing to match the bet?