I came across this acronym while doing research for a class I’m taking. S.T.O.P.   Simply, STOP.

I was researching what can be eaten in the forest. This class has an exercise involving eating something different and writing about the experience. I thought about eating some bugs since that is something I have never done. A survival site had that STOP acronym with a complete explanation. Oddly, it fits my philosophy of business and will benefit you if you’ll do it.


S-Stop. Literally stop. If you’re lost, or in the case of business, overwhelmed, then just stop.
T- Think. If you follow this blog, you’ve read that before. Think. We do not spend nearly enough time thinking.
O-Observe. Look around, determine what you’ve got to work with and think about how you can use those resources.
P-Plan. Plan your next steps. Seem too obvious? Then why is everything reactive? When we’re behind or under stress, we tend to react rather than plan.

This class has benefited me greatly and it’s only just begun. I have secured a couple of great contracts and have begun to approach hurdles differently.

All education is beneficial.

You can remember this: STOP

Will you do it?

Probably not. But, if you print this and put where you can see it, you might try it. It might help you. Things might get better for you.

Chris Reich, TeachU

PS- I decided not to eat bugs.