Business Tips by Chris Reich
Tips from growing a business to dealing with disputesEbay
Ebay is gradually descending into becoming a flea market. I knew this would happen and posted about it a year ago. Too bad.It used to be place to find anything and operated by 99% honest sellers. Price pressure has pushed a lot of real good sellers out of Ebay---fees,...
Annoying Customer Service
I'll start by again giving the true definition of customer service:Great customer service is solving the customer's problem or meeting the customer's need with as little involvement from the customer as possible.What does this mean? It means that customer service is...
Domino’s Pizza Marketing: A+
This is so right. I love everything about this campaign. They address the comments you hear all the time about Domino's Pizza. From the top down, management is transparent with the reality that their product was truly inferior. The total transparency makes me believe...
If your business does not have a Facebook presence, it should. It's not hard to do and it's easy to monitor and control the conversation. What? You've only seen people on Facebook?Businesses can create fan pages. I have one. You should too.There's a link on this page...
Progression Toward Bankruptcy
I'm taking a page from Seth Godin's Blog but I see the steps a bit differently. And I see them as inevitable. The steps can be delayed, perhaps for long periods and there are rare leaps backward to a previous step but those never work. Once a company has moved...
Avoid These Companies If You Are Planning a New Website
I am having a horrible experience with this collection of companies. They link together like a den of rattlesnakes. Though the relationships are vague, they exist and will bite you from the beginning to the end of your business relationship. You are far better off to...
It’s Not Easy to Bring Change
Today Seth Godin posts a NIKE theme of "Just Do It!". He's talking about hearing from people who want to try new ideas at workplace but are thwarted by management. Seth advises to proceed full speed ahead. He goes on to say that people are rarely willing to stop...
Failure IS Beneficial
When everything goes as planned, we learn little. In fact, each success causes a little loss of hearing and sight. The spotlights blind, the applause deafens. Failure, on the other hand, should heighten the senses. If we're smart.When something goes wrong, get...
Airline Terrorism
Wrong focus. Now we're trying to figure out what to prevent passengers from bringing onto a flight and how to discover if a passenger is trying to sneak something on. Bomb dogs? See through clothes X-rays? Why don't we look at PEOPLE. People are the problem. Let's get...
United Airlines
United Airlines charges $50 EACH WAY for checking two pieces of luggage. Buy a round trip ticket for $400 and when you check in, pay $50 more to get your luggage on board. And when you're heading home, pay another $50 to get your bags home. It doesn't matter how short...
Wrap Rage: A Christmas Alert
Let's make a resolution for the new year to fight wrap rage. Not only is this bullet proof packaging frustrating and a huge waste of material, it's also potentially dangerous. I've cut myself trying to free items as simple as batteries. The plastic shield is a...
Time, Exposure, Cost, Risk and Benefit
We, the businesses that fall below the line of the Fortune 1,000 have an opportunity to compete in ways very frustrating to the companies above the line. It frustrates the big guys because the field is level.
We’ve Had the Last Christmas
The virtual and sudden collapse of the U.S. economy was a such a shock to the majority of Americans that I think some things have changed forever. Put Christmas on the list of changes.We still see mind numbing advertising for things we don't need but most of that...
I Like This ….
The following is a great reply to the Mac vs PC ads. I like it!Chris Reich, Always Looking for New Ways of Thinking for Your Business
Quick Question
What's your sales process? Can you answer that? Could you put into words AND a flow chart?Sure, if you operate a toy store it's easy. Somebody comes in, picks out a toy and they take to the the register. You "ring up" the sale. Done.If you manufacture a product...
Start Your Own MBA Program
I believe companies want capable, competent, creative producers. They just don't know how to find them. MBA on a resume catches their attention. But what is that MBA worth? Business schools have always been a bit behind what was actually happening in the real world....
Thirsty for Success? Drink up!
Seth Godin brings up the question about the relationship between the thirst for knowledge and the achievement of success---and the order in which they occur. The relationship, if any, in my opinion is pretty loose. I've been successful with things I've stumbled into...
Scientific Method
Seth Godin posts today about people making bad decisions based on a lack of scientific thinking. I agree with much of what Seth posits but makes some comments I consider demeaning to the public. Further, he wanders from 'scientific' into political. When we start...