Business Tips by Chris Reich
Tips from growing a business to dealing with disputesReal or Fake?
I had a conference call with a marketing firm today. They were looking for someone to do some business training for them. The call was set up after a couple of very pleasant conversations with the office manager and the submission of a written, then revised proposal.A...
Turn Away Prospects
One of the hardest lessons to learn in business is that you do not want every sale, deal, project that comes your way.Some aren't worth the trouble. Some aren't worth the money. Sometimes you just don't like the people you'd have to work with. Say no. Pass. I'm going...
Passion Smassion. Have Fun.
I read Seth Godin's post today which essentially says it's the ideal time to follow your passion. Maybe. Seth goes on to remind us that we need to abandon the idea of making our fortunes while following these passions. That I fully agree with. Few people's passions...
Reich’s Law of Business
I posted this on but wanted my readers here to see it....Murphy's Law: Anything that CAN go wrong, WILL go wrong.Let's talk about this. Most people take Murphy's Law too lightly. They see it as a sort of humorous expression about failure. But it's a lot...
What is Your Advertising Dollar Buying You?
When you spend on advertising or marketing (they are different things), what do you expect in return?When you advertise for a return, you're wasting your money. That's a short-sighted approach. Spend $5,000, get $50,000 in sales. Great plan. But it seldom works.If you...
Let's look at your experience. Perhaps you think it's time for a big promotion, more responsibility or maybe it's time to move on to something bigger and better.Your experience will be the first thing considered. When you started your current position, you had no...
You’ll Never Get There from Here
It's so obvious I hate to even write this. But alas, there are people who still don't get it.If the guys in this boat are not working together, the boat will go in circles---or maybe it will go nowhere.Someone wants to show that they are the strongest---they will row...
How Well Does Your Business Execute?
Seeing a lot of fumbles at your business? Are the fumbles creating friction among your employees? In short, should things be running smoother?When things are not going well, it's time to step away from all the silly MBA jargon and return to common sense. It's...
Lawyers and Marketing
They say that the person who acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a lawyer. I think that was written by a lawyer. It great marketing actually. I puts the fear into the consumer in just the right place. I creates just enough reasonable doubt. And after all, isn't what...
A Question for YOU
I want to pose some questions worth considering. YOU will know which question is specifically for YOU.1. You've just been brought in to run your business as the new CEO. What is the first thing you'd change?2. You've just been hired for the job you now have. What's...
Massive Marketing
Seth Godin reminds me to bring up a subject we've discussed before.I often find myself debating CEOs and business owners about small scale vs. large scale marketing. I prefer to start marketing on a small scale in order to refine the marketing process and perhaps...
United Airlines Breaks Guitars
The following video has been seen by over 5 million people. This is the price of failing to understand customer service. How much would it cost United Airlines to reach 5 million people with a positive message? The really sad part of this is, when customer service is...
First, sorry I haven't posted in a week. I was on a speaking tour that permitted no time for blogging. I need to learn to sandbag....First. I want to recommend a book: SyrupVery good MKTG course. And, if you deal with office politics, it's a 'must read'.Now here's a...
The Nerve!
Seth Godin has the gall to suggest we remove righteous indignation from our "toolbox"! Can you believe that?Imagine! The man has the nerve to actually tell other people how they ought to behave. Well Mr. Godin, if we are to cast away our very effective so-called tool...
The Nut Factor
I believe I have found what is probably the most important long range economic indicator ever charted. It's the "Nut Factor".It starts with lots of UFO reports. (90's?) Then you start to see TV shows of people 'contacting' the dead. When you see rises in these...
You Can’t Return to Square One
You can't return to square one if you experience a project failure any more than than you can return to 2008. In fact, the entire expression of 'returning to square one' is invalid. Seth Godin offers up a post today about returning to square one. Sometimes you must,...
What is Leadership?
Let's start by saying what leadership is NOT. Leadership is not where you go for approval.Leadership is not the brick wall that stops new ideas from going forward.Leadership is not the guy who opens the meeting up for discussion.Leadership is not the gal [sic] you...
How NOT to Conduct a Business Conversation
If you would like to impress, really impress, your prospects and clients, listen to them.Never start a conversation with the click of a stop-watch: "I have 10 minutes and then I have to be at a meeting, how can I help you?" Bad. "I have to be in a meeting in 10...