Business Tips by Chris Reich

Tips from growing a business to dealing with disputes

What to Do With Recovery in Sight

Economic recovery is in sight. Liken it to an approaching wave. Consider how surfers catch a ride.When they see the perfect wave coming their way, the smart surfer turns to position himself to go in the direction of the wave. In other words, his attitude turns from...

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All CEOs Should Read This…

I have nothing to add to this story. It's exactly what I preach.A head with a heart By Kevin Cullen, Globe Columnist  |  March 12, 2009 It was the kind of meeting that is taking place in restaurant kitchens, small offices, retail storerooms, and large...

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How Much Are You Willing to Lose?

Yup. The economy is bad and sales are down.If you wait until the economy recovers to get the marketing end of your business in order, you will lose more money through the duration of this recession. And, you will lose even more to your competitors as the economy...

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How to Read a Business Book

As I said in my prior post, we don't read enough. People in business should read current business books. The business climate, the rules, are changing fast. Few people I meet are current. Now wait. There's a difference between current events and current business...

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Open Your Head

I am recommending the best book on the subject of thinking I have ever read. I've come across many of the concepts covered in this book in other books, but this one is a great read and brings the important flaws in our thinking into one book. It's filled with very...

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You’ll See Economic Improvement Soon

I'll go on record--- now. Things are going to get better soon. By June '09 we'll see the bottom of this mess and an upturn will will begin.Ignore the economists, pundits and other assorted 'experts' and you'll actually speed up the process.Why do I predict better...

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You Have Four Choices

In this economy, you've may take your pick of one of 4 strategies.1. QuitThis might be the best choice for many. Don't mortgage your future to prolong the death of a failing business. It's wiser to start something new. 2. Don't Change AnythingThough the path to...

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