Business Tips by Chris Reich
Tips from growing a business to dealing with disputesChris Reich Now Offers Optional Binding Mediation Services
You asked for it so I’m offering binding mediation under specific terms. Before we get to those terms, let me explain binding mediation.
Business Partners Must Agree to Agree
If you make an agreement with your business partner that you will ALWAYS reach agreement on ANY business item that comes up, no matter how strongly you both feel and no matter how far apart on an issue, your partnership will thrive.
Ask Your Business Partnership Questions
A few people have asked for this: Set up a place where you can submit questions about your own partnership problems. I liked the idea so much, I did it!
Can You Get Rid of Your Business Partner?
In order to remove a partner you’ll need to take legal action and then you must prove your case in court.
Are You Looking for a Mediator In…?
You don’t need someone in your town with years of experience, a successful methodology, and great rates when you can call me in as your business mediator!
Lying to Your Mediator
If parties to mediation aren’t honest with the mediator, it makes for a crippled process. When outright deception is practiced, the mediator could be forced to walk away from trying to help.
Protect Your Business from Recession by Fixing Your Partnership
Business Partnership Advisor Together, we can fix your business and partnership problems Chris Reich, Business Luminary Email of the week: Chris, there's a lot of tension in our partnership. I'm worried about recessionand think we should be careful...
Problems with Your Business Partner? Talk!
You better believe talk is cheap. It’s a lot cheaper than paying a lawyer or having your partnership fall apart.
Business Partnership: Where is the Love?
Telling your partner that you appreciate their contribution is part of being a good business partner.
Looking for a Business Mediator in…
It’s not necessary to meet in person to settle a business partnership dispute. I use video conferencing to fix most business partnership problems.
Do You Need a Lawyer or a Mediator for Your Partnership Problem?
Mediators sit down with all the parties and try to find common ground. Mediators charge around…
When to Give in Partnership Negotiations
If you’re in a business partnership that has gone sour, we have to consider whether you’ll have to continue in the relationship or if you’re leaving the business.
How to Create a Business Partnership Agreement
Developing your Partnership Agreement should be the first step in forming a new business with a partner. If you haven’t created a Partnership Agreement yet, it’s not too late.
6 Reasons to Choose Chris Reich as Your Business Partnership Mediator
I believe that I offer the best service and the best cost to settle your business partnership dispute. Call me to discuss your situation.
Can You Fire Your Business Partner for Losing Money?
If a partner causes a financial loss by intentionally harming the business, that violates a fiduciary responsibility which could justify legally removing a partner.
How to Resolve a Disagreement with Your Business Partner
Successful business partnerships are always based on mutual respect and an unwritten understanding that both partners want what’s best for the business so that “giving in” doesn’t mean surrender.
I Am Afraid of My Business Partner
When one partner becomes totally beligerant and refuses to communicate, it is important to protect the other partner. These situations get pretty close to needing an attorney which can get very expensive.
I Cannot Talk to My Business Partner
We tend to wait until the situation gets very bad before we reach out for help. I understand. Let’s get started before the communication breaks down.