Business Tips by Chris Reich
Tips from growing a business to dealing with disputesTime to Impeach Trump Says Chris Reich
Donald Trump has done more in 2 years than any previous American President. You bet. The problem is, it’s all bad stuff. And guess what, we are going to pay for Trump’s incompetence.
Should You Get Outside Help with Your Partnership Problems?
Dealing with business partnership issues is very delicate and personal work. In a 50/50 partnership, I have the interests of many parties to protect. We don’t want to disrupt the business, spark a bigger dispute, or cause more stress. Unlike an attorney, I function on the side of the business to help both parties agree on specific solutions.
How to Get Out of a Bad Business Partnership
If there is no Partnership Agreement in place, the process for getting out of a business partnership is fairly open. That also means that the price and terms are fully negotiable.
Can My Business Partner Lock Me Out of My Own Business? The Answer is
Is it legal for your partner to lock you out of your business? Maybe. But, even if legally possible, they had better have a very good reason or things could go very wrong for them.
What Is Trust in a Partnership?
The word “Trust” means different things to people on different sides of partnership tension. While trust may be at the heart of your issues, be careful about how you express it. It means something different to your partner.
If There Is Tension In Your Partnership You Must Do This
You are wise to seek out advice if you are feeling tension in your partnership. Lots of things can pull a business down, but the two biggest drags on a business are taxes and partnership problems. Both need to be treated seriously.
6 Steps to Fixing Business Partnership Tension—And They Work
Fix your business partnership issues using these 6 steps. Definition is the key to resolving most tension. Define roles, objectives, processes, and vision. Bringing clear definition into a partnership will fix your problems. I’m happy to discuss this with you in more depth.
Partnership Compensation Agreements
Here's a video I produced to help you think about Partnership Compensation. I hope this opens some fresh ideas for you.
Should I Push You Harder?
What Should I Do to Best Help YOU? Should I Shout My Business Advice? Should I Argue With You About How You Choose to Settle a Business Dispute? A client who never took my advice, despite my every prediction of troubles ahead coming true, told me that I need to be...
Time Heals All Wounds If…
If there is tension between you and your business partner, the sooner you deal with it, the better. The tension never gets better with time. Act quickly.
Cannabis Business Mistake #1
There is a bad mistake that can kill a new cannabis business. Please get your partnership organized before you get too deep.
Contracts, Resolutions, Agreements, and Emails
Most business disputes arise from a lack of documented agreements. Many businesses have no formal partnership agreement. You can avoid a lot of trouble if you have a process and document your agreements. Here’s how…
If You Haven’t Done This Yet…
There is one habit guaranteed to help you with your work. If you aren’t doing this, please give it a try. It’s easy, and it works.
Fun at Work Adds to Profit
Yes, fun at work matters. It adds directly to profits. I will keep reminding you because it is very important.
Don’t Try to Make Money By Spending Money
Be careful about spending money on advertising. It can cost you your business.
3 Types of Disputes
There are 3 types of partnership disputes. If you understand which you are dealing with, you have a good chance for resolution.
Resolve to Have a Better Year
It’s time again to make resolutions we probably won’t keep. I recommend that rather than make a list of new disciplinary actions to self-impose, make this one resolution.
Why I Mind Map
Click image above to open full size Why I Use Mind Maps And You Should Too! I mentioned in my previous post that you ought to use tools that help you stay on plan. I use mind mapping to help me get more done and stay on my plans. It is amazing how getting...