I Like This ….

The following is a great reply to the Mac vs PC ads. I like it!Chris Reich, Always Looking for New Ways of Thinking for Your Business

Quick Question

What’s your sales process?  Can you answer that? Could you put into words AND a flow chart?Sure, if you operate a toy store it’s easy. Somebody comes in, picks out a toy and they take to the the register. You “ring up” the sale. Done.If...

Start Your Own MBA Program

I believe companies want capable, competent, creative producers. They just don’t know how to find them. MBA on a resume catches their attention. But what is that MBA worth? Business schools have always been a bit behind what was actually happening in the real...

Thirsty for Success? Drink up!

Seth Godin brings up the question about the relationship between the thirst for knowledge and the achievement of success—and the order in which they occur. The relationship, if any, in my opinion is pretty loose. I’ve been successful with things I’ve...

Scientific Method

Seth Godin posts today about people making bad decisions based on a lack of scientific thinking. I agree with much of what Seth posits but makes some comments I consider demeaning to the public. Further, he wanders from ‘scientific’ into political. When we...

Real or Fake?

I had a conference call with a marketing firm today. They were looking for someone to do some business training for them. The call was set up after a couple of very pleasant conversations with the office manager and the submission of a written, then revised proposal.A...