The World has changed a lot since 2008. When the U.S. economy hit the mother of all brick walls, it gave the developing countries time to catch up. And they did.What scares me is the belief in the U.S. that given a little time, a better congress, a different president...
Take a Lesson from Human DNAWe have been taught that we get our genes from our parents. Remember the line about every cell containing the all the DNA needed to create an entire you? Well, that is sort of true, mostly true. Scientists have learned that our genetic...
Communication is the key to improving just about any business. My new client work starts with a meeting with management. I want to understand the perceived problems and desired goals. Generally I will be told about some part of the business that is not performing as...
There is no reason that everyone at your business can’t be having fun doing their job. In the immortal words of Mary Poppins, “in every job that must done there is an element of fun.”