Two Ways to Launch a Business

There are two ways to launch a new business and one is better than the other in most cases. No, I don’t mean the right way or the wrong way.The first, and most common way, is to make a plan, get started, obtain financing, finish putting things together and then...

Does It Matter?

The subject of fear came up in a conversation with a startup business owner this morning. Yes, it is scary to be in business. I had better be a little scary or you are kidding yourself. But, it does have to be too scary if you are not making insane financial decisions...

Business Startup Advice—Build-out

There is one item in the plans for the new business that can completely blow out the budget. Getting this wrong has put many new businesses in the hole before the doors open.From the title you know I am referring to the build-out line of the startup costs.Not to...

When Is It Time to Raise Money?

It get at least 2 calls a day from people asking me to help them raise money. I always ask the same question. are you starting a new business or is your existing business doing so well you must expand?Silence.Then, no, neither. I can’t live on what the business...