Business Card Story

Okay, I need new business cards. I need them now.So I go online to OverNightPrints and use their tools and my images and layout skills to design the perfect business card. It’s original, never been done.After placing the order, I realize that I need cards for...

Shutting Down Thought or Ignoring 52% of Your Market

Most good ideas are picked apart, shot down or simply ignored the first several times those thoughts are put on the table. You can almost measure an idea’s positive potential by the amount of resistance and rejection that idea gets upon introduction.I spoke with...

How Do You Spend Your Marketing Time & Money?

Here’s something for the metrics nuts to measure.How much time and money is spent at your business trying to be LIKE another business?Same question but different. How much time and money and effort and energy and thought and talent and resource is spent trying...

Time Change—Gain an Hour?

In the U.S. we push our clocks ahead 1 hour on Saturday. In theory, you’re losing an hour this week. Too bad they take it away from our weekend!Stop. Think. Let’s make this fun.If we are losing an hour, what if we did something really remarkable and...

Do Something Very Important Today

Do you want to do something very important at work today? I mean game changing, business improving important. Do you?Clean the bathroom. Yes, that’s right. You, Mr. Important, go clean the bathroom. Many people who visit your business visit the restroom. If...