A Way Out

When you must get tough with your talent, be it from their fault or not (pay cuts due to business slow down), give the road map back to good standing or you destroy morale.These are indeed hard times. Most entities are suffering budget cuts. Management looks at poor...

Tragedy of the Commons

The term “The Tragedy of the Commons” refers to a dilemma of limited resource sharing. It’s very important to our heavily populated world and crucially important to your business during an economic downturn.When many people have access to a limited...

Sunk Costs

Sunk costs. During a slow down, many businesses will cling to sunk costs and refuse to see the wisdom of bailing water! A sunk cost is money spent—it’s gone, it’s sunk into something. Let’s say you get the idea that red baseball caps are sure...

Game Theory Concept

An SEO firm called me today. I personally do not like SEO firms. Most use underhanded tricks to give a business a short-lived boost in search rankings. Some are okay. This firm “guaranteed” that they would get me more business for less advertising cost....

Would You Do This?

I read an interesting article about developing Vs. managing people this morning. It tied to an interesting conversation I had with a new manager yesterday who asked me, “Is teaching them part of MY job? Shouldn’t they know how to do their job if they were...

Where Is Your Pain?

I am deep into a study of game theory and finding many key applications to business. Here’s something you might not have ever considered yet is absolutely crucial to your business. If you make a promise and there is no pain to you, the promise is hollow and your...