Words Matter

We get up in the morning and go to work. We work at ABC. Don’t interrupt me, I’m working. We need to get more work done.What exactly is all this talk about work? How much of what is done at “work” actually contributes to what the business...

A Walk in the Woods Talk about Trade-Shows

I experimented with this idea for a while. I would just take a walk in the quiet of the forest and pout out thoughts on business subjects.Here’s one I produced on the topic of trade-shows.What do you think? Should I make more?Chris Reich, TeachU.comFW: 94 (Busy...

Trade Show Tip Guaranteed to Increase ROI

The goal of participating in a trade-show is to meet and connect with potential buyers. I am referring to the larger class of trade-show, not a “demo and sell” state fair event.Connecting with trade-show attendees involves an intelligent strategy. There...

TeachU Aphorism Number 2

If it works, find out why.Sounds like a simple enough thing to do. Why don’t we?When something is successful at a business, rarely is the time spent to look at why that success happened. We often make snap judgments like, “great idea! Adding the off switch...

On Failure

So I created an entirely new and (I thought) original look for my website. I spent a LOT of hours on it. Then I paid for a crowd source review and it got very bad reviews. Very bad. What I thought was edgy and original was rated pretty unanimously by a very large...

Business Tip #1

If it isn’t broken, break it! Why? This drives improvement. Nothing will drag a business down to the point of no return more reliably than improving a product or process that is becoming outdated. That’s entropy at work! Worked with a business this week...