The Engine of Growth Is Not What You Think

I was asked by a good friend to comment on an article about a clash of titans, Walmart and Amazon. The thrust of the article is about Walmart’s vast brick and mortar base giving them a big growth advantage over Amazon. Well, frankly Scarlett, I really don’t give a damn.

We Have to Stop This Desctructive Trend

Much of the work we do is based on poorly defined goals. Someone needs a report by Friday but you aren’t sure what needs to be included. Someone wants a website change but you aren’t clear what is wanted. You try to organize a disorganized situation and...

Do You Think This is Crazy?

There is something in business that I find absolutely crazy. This is downright irrational. Yet, it is common in American business. I cannot understand why.Study after study clearly shows that education is the key to success. The more education, the higher the level of...

Deal With This Before It Harms You

Okay, the headline is manipulative. It is certainly intended to induce you to read this post. The subject isn’t marketing. It will not benefit me if you read this. It will benefit you if you follow the advice.So what is this monster?Stress.We are seeing the word...