How to Have a Better 2013 by a Factor of e

To achieve our goal of “e” in 2013, we need some other “e”s.EffortEthicsEducationToo many businesses are waiting for the economy to improve. Make the effort to improve your economy.Ethics have been eroded by lawyers. Businesses do what they can...

Productivity Tip!

I’ll be brief.Use your people to their best ability and not to the title you’ve made up for them.If you have a problem solver, let them solve problems. If you have an artist, let them contribute design. If you have a strong organizer, let them organize.To...


I will scream this message until some people start to get it.Marketing is NOT advertising. Marketing is not a website and Google ads.Marketing IS is complete strategy to sell goods and services in the marketplace. A complete strategy. Got that?Marketing will not move...

What Is Wrong?

Tell me, what’s wrong with this message?Our product will save you money! In fact, it will pay for itself in savings in just 14 months! Financing available.Why wouldn’t people line up to get this wonder product? People are wise to promotion. Can a product...

Recovery Is Coming Soon to a Business Near You

The trick these days is to just stay in business until the economy recovers. This requires a balance between prudent cost control while continuing with business development.The prospect who cannot buy now, will increase your market share when they growth. I see 2013...

Preseidential Debates and Business Lesson

There is a presidential debate tonight. This is an excellent opportunity to do some market research. You will notice that people will hear what they want to hear. Answers will be manipulated to fit what each person already believes and the perceived winner will be the...